Turning Setbacks into Triumphs: How Career Coaching and Resilience Led to Success

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Turning Setbacks into Triumphs: How Career Coaching and Resilience Led to Success

In today’s fast-paced tech industry, layoffs are unfortunately common. The impact of losing a job goes beyond the immediate financial concerns—it can shake our very sense of identity and self-worth. In those dark moments, it often feels like everything we’ve worked for has slipped through our fingers. But it’s precisely in those moments of uncertainty and doubt that we have the power to turn things around. The journey back is rarely easy, but the transformation that comes from overcoming setbacks is nothing short of remarkable.

As Nelson Mandela once said, “Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up.” This sentiment is at the heart of one inspiring story we’re proud to share today.

A Story of Resilience: Subhan Ali’s Comeback Journey

Subhan Ali, a leader in AI at NVIDIA, is the embodiment of resilience. Over the last five years, Subhan faced his fair share of challenges—including one of the toughest moments in his career: being laid off unexpectedly.

“I’ll never forget it. It was a Wednesday when I had a regularly scheduled one-on-one with my manager. I walked into that meeting thinking everything was great. I walked out without a job. I had been laid off,” Subhan recalls.

Like many, Subhan was caught off guard. With a booming economy and a robust job market, the layoff seemed surreal. It wasn’t just the loss of a paycheck—it was the loss of mental peace, structure, and the normalcy that a job provides. The weight of the layoff settled in, and things became difficult. Despite landing 25 final-round interviews, Subhan walked away from each one without an offer.

It felt like nothing was working.

The Turning Point: Seeking Career Coaching

Realizing that something needed to change, Subhan sought the help of career coach Mahesh M. Thakur. Through their work together, Mahesh provided Subhan with a new perspective and a few key pieces of advice that made all the difference:

  • Be selective: “Stop applying to any job that’ll interview you. You don’t need 25 jobs to say no to you. You need 1 job to say yes.” Mahesh emphasized focusing on quality rather than quantity, increasing Subhan’s chances of success by being more selective with his applications.
  • Change your mindset: Subhan’s previous job had left him insecure, and that negative energy seeped into every conversation. Mahesh worked with Subhan to reframe his thinking, turning negative self-talk into confident communication. “Negative thinking begets negative outcomes,” Mahesh told him.
  • Take care of yourself: Mahesh also advised Subhan to focus on his health—both mentally and physically. “Exercise, lose weight, eat healthy, sleep well, and turn yourself into a winner.” Subhan took this advice to heart and paused his job search to work on self-improvement.

The Comeback

After months of focusing on himself and internalizing these lessons, Subhan returned to the job market with a renewed sense of confidence. That’s when NVIDIA reached out, and the interview process moved fast. Subhan had regained his confidence, and this time, things were different. He also received—or came close to receiving—offers from companies he previously thought were out of his reach.

Subhan accepted the offer at NVIDIA, and the rest is history. Reflecting on his journey, Subhan shares some key lessons:

  • Perspective matters: “Things are never as bad as they seem. And they’re never as great as they appear either. Be humble and be kind. You don’t know when your whole world can be turned upside down.”
  • Don’t repeat the same mistakes: “If you do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result, you’re bound to be disappointed. Do the work and make yourself the best possible version of you.”

Final Thoughts: There’s Always a Way Forward

Subhan’s story is one of perseverance and the power of career coaching to turn a setback into a setup for greater success. His experience serves as a reminder that, no matter how tough things may seem, there is always a way forward. As Subhan says, “For anyone who’s been in a position like this, know it will get better. Just don’t let it get you down and don’t ever stop believing in the power of the future.”

You don’t need 25 interviews to say yes—you just need one. Keep striving, keep improving, and eventually, that one opportunity will come along that can change your life forever.

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